CODESYS HVAC Modbus SL - Article no. 2312000013 ;
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CODESYS HVAC Modbus SL - Article no. 2312000013The HVAC Modbus Library can be perfectly complemented with the decentralized powerIO® system, which is based on working with communicative Modbus sensors and actuators. Serial stations are immediately converted to TCP and can be queried via a CODESYS controller. Further information about the decentralized system under
The HVAC Modbus SL library runs independently from the CODESYS Modbus library. There is no need to use a controller with CODESYS Modbus library.
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In the HVAC Visu Library from the HVAC Building Automation Package SL there are Visu Frames matching the blocks.
CODESYS HVAC Modbus SL - Article no. 2312000013