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CODESYS Home Energy Control Article no. 2112000000
CODESYS Home Energy Control Article no. 2112000000

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Order #: 2112000000

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CODESYS Home Energy Control Article no. 2112000000

This application monitors the electrical energy balance of a residential building with income of a PV-Plant, own consumption and purchase energy. In addition to the system status several views for the day, month, year and overall summary are shown by CODESYS WEB visualization. The measurement of the electrical income is made by an optical scanning head connected to the electric meter by D0-Interface (SML or IEC 61107). The feed-in energy and the purchase energy is measured in the same manner but at the two-way meter. When using SMA inverters the electrical income alternatively can be read with SMA Speedwire via the Ethernet interface.

The data are stored on the SD-Card of the PLC and can be transmitted by FTP-Push to anywhere. The documentation and the software GUI is in German language only!

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CODESYS Home Energy Control Article no. 2112000000

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