CODESYS SNTP Service - Article no. 2111000009 ;
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CODESYS SNTP Service - Article no.2111000009
SNTP Service
The library SNTP Service contains function blocks for time requests and time setting via SNTP. The library “SNTP Service” is now part of the product IIoT Libraries SL and is no longer available as single product.
Product description
Workstation License
The library SNTP Service contains function blocks for easy implementation of SNTP client and server components on a CODESYS control (SNTP V3, SNTP V4). The function block SNTPGetUTCTime can be used to request the UTC time of a SNTP/NTP server.
The function block SNTPServer can be used to build a simple SNTP server. Function blocks (FBs) of the SNTP library:
SNTPGetUTCTime: FB to request the time of a SNTP server (SNTP client)
SNTPServer: FB to send the local server time (SNTP server)
The package SNTPService includes the library SNTPService and the example project SNTPExample. The application SNTPRequest Example shows the usage of the function block SNTPGetUTCTime. The application SNTPServerExample shows how to use the function block SNTPServer.
CODESYS SNTP Service - Article no. 2111000009