DGW provides communication between “Ether CAT and EtherNet/IP”
or “EtherCAT and the CCLink” devices. In case of using FANUC PLC(of Ethe
rNet/IP) or MITSUBISHI PLC(of CC-Link) as host controller, you can implement
I/O information transmission and reception with EtherCAT-based Robot Motion
Controller via DGW.
DGW allows the connection between PLC and the Robot Motion
Controller by a single LAN cable, which reduces costs and increases maintenance
efficiency through simple wiring, space efficiency, and saves time developing
communication programs by establishing a network between Ether CAT and
EtherNet/IP or CC-Link.
In addition, the error status of the communication can be
easily diagnosed through the external LED, and it is easy to install in the
control box by adopting the DIN rail mounting method.
- Supports CC-Link (Slave) from/to EtherCAT(Slave) Gateway
- Supports EtherNet/IP(Scanner) from/to EtherCAT(Slave)
Gateway function
- Robot Motion Controller can be connected to upper PLC
- PLC examples: FANUC, MITSUBISHI, etc.
- Minimize cable connections by sending and receiving I/O data
between two networks with LAN cable
- Reduced wiring, work and space saving
- Contribution to shortening development period and cost
- Error diagnosis function by LED
- DIN Rail type for easy installation