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Omron TMFlow Collaborative Robot Software
Omron TMFlow Collaborative Robot Software
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Availability: Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Weeks
Order #: OTMFCRS


Description Specifications and Drawings

The built-in functionality of the TMFlow software on the Omron TM line of collaborative robots provides powerful, industry-leading capabilities that are also easy to use. For customers who need a bit more, Omron offers several add-on software options that enable even greater functionality over the standard function set.

External Vision

Expands the powerful machine vision capabilities of the Omron TM robot to 2 additional external cameras, enabling even more vision guidance and inspection possibilities. (Camera hardware sold separately).

Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

The OCR software option enables the Omron TM collaborative robot to identify and measure alphanumeric characters. With this added function, the robot can be setup to output the characters it recognizes with any of the attached cameras in string format or use the information it “reads” to make program decisions.

The OCR function supports 94 characters in 9 common fonts including:

· Numerals 0-9

· English upper and lower case A-Z

· 32 ASCII symbols (@/:#$&, etc..)

Identify and Measure

Traditional manual inspection can entail error issues caused by personnel fatigue or negligence. The identification function can provide comprehensive improvement.

Capabilities of the identification module include:

· Pose change (shape)

· Pose change (image)

· Specific color area size

· Subtract reference image

· Line burr

· Circle burr

The measurement function can be used to calculate the object's quantity and the image's geometric position and angle, as well as make measurements which can then be used to make program decisions or recorded.

Capabilities of the measure module include:

· Irregular object count

· Shape count

· Image count

· Edge Count

· Distance and angle

Offline Editor for TMFlow

It is not always possible or practical to be connected to your robot when you want to create or modify a robot program. With the Offline Editor for TMFlow you have the ability to program within the TMFlow environment on your Windows tablet or PC wherever and whenever works best for you.

Offline Automatic Optical Inspection (AOI)

This option provides the ability for users to edit and configure vision processes within the TMFlow environment without the need to be connected to a robot. (Requires the Offline Editor for TMFlow option)

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