Company News – October 2022
ATI INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION is the world-leading engineering-based developer of robotic accessories and robot arm tooling, including Automatic Tool Changers, Multi-Axis Force/Torque Sensing Systems, Utility Couplers, Material Removal Tools, Robotic Collision Sensors, Manual Tool Changers, and Compliance Devices.
The ATI Multi-Axis Force/Torque Sensor system measures all six components of force and torque. The system consists of a transducer, shielded high-flex cable, and intelligent data acquisition system, Ethernet/DeviceNet interface or F/T controller.
E-Motion supplies ATI Multi-Axis Force/Torque Sensors for our customers’ product testing, robotic assembly, grinding, polishing, and medical research field.
What is a Six-Axis Force/Torque Transducer?
The ATI Multi-Axis Force/Torque Sensor system measures all six components of force and torque. It consists of a transducer, interface electronics and cabling.
A compact and rugged monolithic transducer is a device that measures the outputting forces and torques from all three Cartesian coordinates (x, y, and z). The transducer's silicon strain gages provide high noise immunity and allow high overload protection. A six-axis force/torque transducer is also known as a multi-axis force/torque transducer, multi-axis load cell, F/T sensor, or six-axis load cell.
ATI Multi-Axis Force/Torque Sensor Model Examples
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Mini27 Titanium Transducer | Mini40 Transducer | Mini45 Titanium Transducer |
Choose the right F/T Sensor for your application
Configuration Options
The mechanical interface determines how the F/T Sensor is mounted. Included in each Force/Torque Sensor system is an interface plate that will be used to mount the transducer to a robot or fixture.
The electronic interface is determined by the application parameters. ATI offers a wide array of interface options to allow users to integrate their F/T Sensor to any type of system.
California | 43397 Business Park Drive, Suite D-3, Temecula, CA 92590 | 951-595-4200
Texas | 4545 Fuller Drive, Suite 240, Irving, TX 75038 | 972-887-9999