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RSF Elektronik: MS 45 Series
(Open Linear Encoders with non-contact singlefield scanning)
Fields of Application:
Escalating market demand in terms of processing speed, operating cycles and mechanical backlash, together with the requirement that there should be no mechanical influences necessitates the provision of high-precision open linear measurement systems. The scale and reading head must be protected against soiling in this construction style. Open linear encoders are optimized for use in a "clean environment" (e.g. measuring machines, machines in electronics manufacture).
Performance Characteristics:
Non-contact optical scanning
No mechanical influence on the measurement slide
High measuring speed
High precision, small measuring increments
Reproducible thermal performance
Minimal space requirement
Typical Applications:
Measurement technology: Coordinate measuring machine, measuring microscope, presetting devices, video inspection
Electronics manufacturing: Circuit board assembly/ inspection / testing,screen-printing systems, LCD production
Semi-conductor production: Bonder
Linear drives
Rapid prototyping
Medical technology
Solar technology
Flat dimensions
System resolution: 10 µm - 0.5 µm
Indication of signal quality directly at the scanning head via 3-coloured LED
Easy mounting without additional test box
Easy mounting as a result of large mounting tolerances
High insensitivity to contamination by use of an extensive single field scanning principle
Output signals: TTL, sinus 1 Vpp
Signal-immunity against aging and temperature changes
High traversing speed: 15 m/s
Reference mark (accurate and repeatable from both traversing directions)
Integrated subdividing electronics in the encoder head: for up to times 100 interpolation (before quadrature)
Max. measuring length: 30 000 mm
Model No.: MS 45.06, MS 45.66, MS 45.76, MS 45.86, MS 45.96