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Delta Tau: Power PMAC EtherLite
The Power PMAC EtherLite The Power PMAC EtherLite is a compact and cost-effective product designed for control through industrial networks and fieldbuses. The network interface can be configured with Delta Tau’s MACRO fiber optic or electrical network and/or EtherCAT electrical network, as well as with one of various fieldbus options.
The Power PMAC EtherLite is a dedicated controller for driving real-time motion (servo) and I/O networks. The controller communicates to a host PC via Ethernet, or operates standalone, while providing a single wire connection to any MACRO and/or EtherCAT drives, I/O or other peripheral devices.
The Power PMAC EtherLite utilizes the intelligence and capabilities of Delta Tau’s 7th and latest generation controller, the Power PMAC, a general-purpose embedded computer running under a hard real-time Linux OS with a sophisticated motion and machine control application built in. The software PLCs, programmable in C and/or PMAC script, and built-in motion programs allow for complete machine logic control.
Capable of controlling up to 128 axes and thousands of I/O points, the Power PMAC EtherLite employs the motion and software features of the Power PMAC Family in systems with highly distributed network hardware from vendors of your choosing, resulting in a “Motion Solution” with unparalleled performance capabilities.
Fieldbus Connectivity
MACRO (Master/Slave)
EtherCAT (Master)
EtherNet/IP (Scanner/Adapter)
EtherCAT (Master/Slave)
Profibus-DP (Master/Slave)
DeviceNet (Master/Slave)
CANopen (Master/Slave)
Open Modbus (Master/Slave)
CC-Link (Slave)
PROFINET IO RT (Controller/Device)
Programming Languages:
PMAC Script
Programming Tools:
MATLAB®/Simulink® Embedded Coder® generated code